If you are thinking of selling your home, make sure you invest a little time and energy to prepare the house for sale. We came up with a few tips to help you prepare your home for sale.

Prepare the Exterior: A perfect home from inside that doesn’t dazzle from the outside might not even be inviting to prospective buyers. Tidy up your lawn by pruning unruly shrubs, clear away dead leaves, mow the lawn and water- blast the driveways and the outside of the house. Ensure that your fence is secure and check for any repairs that might be needed to the letterbox, doorknobs or fence. Plant some colourful flowers to make your lawn look bright and beautiful.

Clear the Garage: Clean out the garage or shed to get rid of any extra and unnecessary things. A clean and decluttered space can make the buyer think that there is a lot of storage available.

Clean up: Nothing can put off a buyer more than a dirty looking house. Take extra efforts to make the house look spotless. Clean the cupboard, wipe all the shelves, vacuum all the hard to reach places and clean the bathrooms and the kitchen thoroughly.  Scrub the floor tiles and clean all the windows properly from both sides.

Declutter: Remove any extra furniture and make sure that the wardrobes and drawers are not more than half full. Everything that can be removed, makes space look a lot bigger to prospective buyers.

Smell Right: Any lingering odours can be repelling. Wash all the curtains and upholstery to make it smell fresh. Make sure the house is well aired before a buyer walks in. A well-placed diffuser or a mildly scented candle can also go a long way in making the house smell pleasant and welcoming.

Depersonalise: It’s best to make the house look neutral when putting it on the market so that it attracts all kinds of buyers. If the house seems too personalised. Removing personal items or taste sensitive decor, can help the buyers look at it from their perspective.

Display a well-maintained property: Check the lights, tighten up loose hinges and wobbly doors, fix any cracked windows and cover any signs of peeling paint. Fix everything that might look a little worn out or unsteady.

Fresh paint: A new coat of paint can do wonders. It uplifts the look of the house and also helps in hiding any marks and stains that might have accumulated over the years. Choose a neutral colour to suit the taste of different buyers.

Make Small but Effective Upgrades: Small upgrades like light fittings, door handles, bathroom fittings or even curtains can turn a room that looks dated into a modern space.

Hire a professional for Staging: Staging is a technique that makes the house look big, clean and neutral but lived in. It is a great way to present property at its best without buying new artwork and furniture.

Tips for Preparing a Home for Sale

These are some of the tips that can help you prepare your house for sale. It is best to hire a real estate agent who can help you get the best deal and make the process easier for you.