
5 Things You Can Do With Unwanted Christmas/Holiday Presents

The holiday season is over. The year 2018 finally ended last week and we’re all geared up to make the most of 2019. While everything about Christmas and holidays is exciting, something’s are not so much. One misfire that many of us have in common during this time is unwanted presents. There is always one, isn’t there?

Whether it’s from the well-meaning neighbours who don’t know what you like or that distant relative who always shows up once a year during Christmas; if you’re wondering what to do with the gifts you don’t really like/want/need, here are 5 things you could consider…

Return / Refund it: Sounds too harsh? Probably not! It’s way better than letting the gift rust away at the bottom of the closet. If you have the receipt and/or know where the gift was bought from, you could try taking it to the store and ask if it can be returned or exchanged. Most stores have a returns policy so be sure to check it out for any conditions applied. If you don’t have the receipt and you’re unsure about where the present comes from, you could ask the person who gave it to you (only if you feel comfortable, making sure not to offend the person!) If it’s a friend or a thoughtful neighbour, chances are you will be in luck. Many happy returns of the season!

Re-Gift it:Christmas isn’t all about receiving, it’s about giving too. So if you got a present which you would not be using, better give it to someone who will! Just remember who gifted it to you and don’t re-gift it to them or their family. That would be a massive embarrassment for everyone involved.

Donate it:Better to count your blessings and think about those who are less fortunate. Use the item to make someone’s day or week by donating it to the needy. There’s always someone, somewhere who will put it to good use and it will also make you feel good about yourself. Call up your local charities and find out if the particular item you intend to donate is acceptable. Things like perishables and electronics are sometimes not suitable for donations.

Recycle or Upcycle it: Sometimes what you may see as useless, has an excellent potential to be useful with just a few tweaks here and there. So use your imagination and get creative with the gifts you’ve received. Think about how you can make a few needed changes in it so that you can use it for a purpose other than what the item is intended for. For instance, if you rarely ever cook and you received a large cooking pot, you could paint it and use it as a planter instead! Don’t need 1001 new socks? Use them to make a small rug/mattress for your pet to lay on!

Swap it out: There are many online stores and even some backyard sales that accept items in good condition in return for cash or another piece perhaps. Australian websites like sellbuyswap and U-Exchange etc. are right places to start.

So there you have it! If you still don’t want to do any of the above, you’ll just have to be honest with the person who gave you the unwanted present. If all’s well, perhaps you will get a meaningful one this year!